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The engine in your vehicle generates a lot of heat which would easily damage the engine in just a few minutes if it weren’t for the water pump, radiator, and hoses that make up the cooling system.

Electrical System

  • To determine the exact cause of the "check engine light" ON in your dashboard, a technician will need check the several different causes that triggered it. This is one of the electrical system in your car.

  • Radiator Cap

  • High pressure resistance can keep radiator in function

  • Heat resistant

  • Silicone rubber in use for longer durability

  • Rust proof

  • Temperature Gauge available to easy tempreature reading

  • Warrany in QR code system

  • Thermostat

  • Gripping area for high-pressure connector

  • Precision of mounting holes locatio

  • Controlled casting process to avoid porosity

  • Best material for open-close working cycles

  • OE Specification and Quality

  • Warranty by QR code system

  • Thermostat Housing

  • High quality plastic composite and pot metal.

  • Easy Integrate with thermostat

  • Some model can be use as standalone

  • OE Quality and Specification

  • Warranty by QR code system

  • Free maintenance

  • Water Pump

  • High-Strength Steel Bearing

  • Proprietary Formulated Mechanical Seal

  • High quality aluminum Steel material use

  • Precision-Formed Impeller

  • Provide with gasket for easy installation

  • Free maintenance

  • Socket

  • Wire thickness follow OE specification

  • High heat resistant material for longer lifespan

  • OE specification

  • Easily integrated with specific parts

  • Plug in device for easy installation

  • Warranty QR code system

  • Ignition Coil

  • The coil’s improved magnetic efficiency generates a high voltage faster.

  • Advanced design ensures reliable high temperature

  • Only superior materials are used for top quality and reliability

  • Easy to install

  • Stick coil

  • Small-size driving circuit is integrated into the top of the coil

  • Fuel Pump

  • Low Noise: Turbine pump technology

  • Accurately measures pressure for better performance.

  • Pumps contain all new parts, not remanufactured.

  • Operate at higher speeds and draw less current than older style pumps.

  • OE specification

  • Warranty by QR code System